Joseph Abraham Davis - TaPa

TaPa was Charlie's grandfather and GAD's son.  TaPa married Louisa Oslington, whose family story is also on this page


Joe's story about Ta Pa

Joseph (Joe) is Charlie's second son.  He said:

Joseph Abraham Davis, known as TaPa to his grandchildren, swam ashore at Five Islands, near Woolongong, NSW.  He was bringing horses back from England but needed to avoid the quarantine, so they started to drop the horses overboard and brought them ashore at Woolongong. 

TaPa's wealth

So where did TaPa get his wealth?  We know very little, but when aged 11 he was gathering the tolls for GAD at one of GAD's toll gates. 

TaPa owned two toll gates (probably inherited from GAD).  Whilst collecting the tolls aged 11 he practiced his copper plate writing. 

TaPa had considerable drive and vision and is, as Paul Davis Sr (Maurice's son) said, "TaPa is ... part of the story of Australia".

An unceremonial burial

Louisa Davis (nee Oslington, Charlie's grandmother and an alcoholic), was buried in a pauper's grave. 

TaPa's mother died in a hotel she owned in Sydney. 



Marriage to Louisa

Louisa's death


Many thanks to Sarah Davis for these snaps of the grave at St Clements, Newton, NSW


One of TaPa's pubs.

The Oslingtons

Why the Oslingtons?

Joseph Abraham Babington Davis' father was Joseph Abraham Davis (Charlie's grandfather).  Joseph Abraham married Louisa Oslington.   Louisa was their second child (stick with it Arthur; Joseph Abraham and Louisa are your 5 x great grandparents).  Lousia was the daughter of John Oslington and Jane Oslington (nee Ewing - that makes the Ewings your 6 x great grandparents, Arthur). 

Some of the Oslington Story

Anyway, here's the story ... John Oslington arrived in Australia aboard the convict ship Surry on 4 March, 1823.  Jane Ewing arrived in Australia on the Duke of Roxburgh on 11 January, 1842.  Jane’s first child, William, was born at sea on board the Duke of Roxburgh on 13 December, 1841.

He always believed John to be his father as William’s name was entered in the family Bible as being the first child after his parent’s marriage. The truth was not discovered until years later when a detailed family history was compiled.  

John Oslington was assigned to a squatter, Henry O’Brien, on the Goulburn Plains (late in 1828) and granted his Ticket of Leave on 16 August, 1836.  He remained in the Goulburn/Murrumbidgee district, and in the late 1830s was sent to work for the Shelley family.  The Shelleys owned several properties in the Goulburn district, one of which was called Grampian Hills.  John was employed there at various times and on other Shelley properties between 1838 -1843. 

Jane Oslington’s (nee Ewing)master was employed at Grampian Hills in the early 1840s.  It is assumed this is where John met Jane.  John and Jane married 13 February 1843.  To learn about the Shelleys click here. (Ed: Thanks, Suzanne)


  • The Oslington/Davis link
  • Excerpts from Oslington: Uniquely Australian- A Chronicle

What a Family

Jane Oslington (nee Ewing) lived continuously in Marulan for 65 years. She gave birth to twelve children: six sons and six daughters. On her death in December 1903 her family included forty-five grandchildren and forty-three great-grandchildren.

(Ed: Suzanne suggests she hated birthdays and Christmas.)

Yet another naughty ancestor

Charlie's uncle, Cornelius Oslington, was drunk early one Sunday morning.  As a prank he removed a sofa from the front porch of a house in Marulan and placed it in the middle of the main road of the village. The magistratedecided not to record a conviction against Cornelius but was highly incensed that the 'disgraceful conduct was carried out on a Sabbath morning'. 

A gruesome young death

Charlie's grand Uncle, George Oslington, met a tragic end at the age of seventeen. He was out felling timber alone when his arm became jammed under a falling branch. Unable to release his arm he chose to sever it instead. He was found three days later having bled to death.