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BELOW:  Sheila was prolific and very talented.  We are told the final two are of:

  • Flinders
  • Martock (Grandpa Ralph's village in England)


BELOW: Margie has followed in her mother's capable footsteps - and then gone a bit further. 

Margie's final painting is of Gielston Bay, near the 2020 reunion venue.


We have produced some great musicians - singers, and all manner of instrumentalists.  Quite a few write their own music. 

Please Contact Us and arrange to send us a sample of your recordings. 


First up is Paul Davis, who has produced a few CDs.  Here is a sample from his 'Of' album of 1998

RIGHT:  Paul also wrote and performed his own song for Noeline and Andrew's wedding.   Here it here. 


Robbie Neil makes and plays his owns harps. Mother Mary's favourite track on his CD, The Bliss of Being is onCoorabell Rain.  Have a listen.


Andrew (music) and Cousin Jack (John Waddell, lyrics) have written praise and worship songs together.


ABOVE: Old house at Flindersby Andrew.


BELOW: Pastels by Bruce

  • Pail and velvet
  • Brushes with Chinese wares
  • Franklin, Tasmania
  • Sarah
  • Paul
  • NW Tasmania
  • Hannah
  • Charlie Davis
  • Carolyn
  • Winter Evening. Cook Street, Flinders
  • Michael
  • Sam
  • Abigail


RIGHT: Vase and Prayer Plant by Annabel


BELOW: A few from Andrew's collection - already given away. 

Andrew also has some yet-to-be-given-away paintings on the Davis Family Profile page (they're so good, they're priceless).

  • 38 Dendy Street, Brighton
  • One Tree Hill (later called 'The Rest Estate', Flinders)
  • Brighton Beach, circa 1999 


BELOW: A selection of Ruth's prints:

  • Indian wall design
  • Golden Rays, Yukaton
  • Bru, Ru, Sue and Drew
  • Magpie Geese, Australia
  • Water hole, Sudan
  • At the fountain, Montreal
  • Klimt Study for Movement 1
  • 20th Century Fashion,1981 Ellis

BELOW: Ruth recently changed her style. These are cut-and-paste pictures with rag paper, dyed with plant-based materials.  They are:

  • The Normanville jetty (SA) at low tide and sunset
  • Camel riding in the Sahara
  • The British Museum, London