Ah hello, howdy, hi there, and how’ve ya been?

This year, there’s many of you that we’ve seen;

But even if you haven’t been sung to, or glimpsed,

Don’t think you’re not treasured: that you aren’t being missed.


The year started with family squeezed into our house,

Then Corona-whatsit hit us – that wasn’t so grouse;

We’ve done a few trips, we’ve viewed this great state

And a couple of times we went over Bass Strait.


And though things, in general, are heading on down,

We’re not shuffling around in a plaid dressing gown,

Just the usual decay and mobility false starts,

Weird belches and leaks, creaking joints, and odd farts.


Our grandchildren continue to give us some faith,

From the fine fit fast first, to the tender young eighth,

Their lives are remarkable, even when they confuse

Which actions to take and decisions to choose.


They are spread from the south to the east, north and west:

Right around this great country, they each face their quest,

At schooling and sport and in social relations

Each shines and excels - built on solid foundations.


The garden, the church, and dear friends bring us near

To help us face up to just why we are here -

Faith and music, paid work, yummy food, and nice folk,

Soil turned, loving texts, a shared tear, a fine joke.


As we stare at the mountain and river on location

We ask why Mr Trump Senior missed out on castration -

Psychopaths across the world will wage wars - these males

Leave refugees in hunger and trails of entrails.


And family?  Since Noeline lost her dear younger brother

On top of the death of her wonderful mother

We reassess the value of the ones who remain,

And give thanks when they care – their love keeps us sane.


Each daughter has love, shown as best as she can,

Each grandgirl becomes a woman, each grandboy a man,

Meanwhile singing and laughter are our main lot in life;

Our biggest joy prevails – loving husband, loving wife.


And next year, who knows, if we both see it through,

We will drink a fine toast: to you, you, and you.

And now, as we write, we hold each of you dear –

With God’s peace this Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Andrew and Noeline, December 2023



The view from the front yard


Photos from the past 12 months

  • Andrew at the Bicheno Blow Hole
  • Charlie and Chester in Christmas bibs
  • Mortimer Bay (20 minutes from home)
  • Scott, the woodman, included these antlers
  • Reference the poem (v7)
  • Another extraordinary sunset
  • Mt Rowlands - Sheffield
  • Brooke and Jess
  • Kelly and Kirchner kids relaxing
  • Olivia and Aiden waking too early
  • Jamie starring in a school promotion 
  • Rachael, Simon and boys with Noeline, November
  • Harrison and Ruben with Noeline in November
  • Us - blessed generously to have each other