MUSINGS AND THOUGHTS - shared between Andrew and his twin brother


Hi there, Self,

Why the blazes do you keep coming back and punishing yourself for things you did in the past?  Why do you feel like crap when you recall and re-live the shocking things you have done? 

So, listen up, here’s some advice …

  1. Does anyone remember what you did when you were young? If not, PASS ON
  2. If they remember, does it matter to them? If not, PASS ON
  3. If it matters, did you discuss it with them and do your best to repair any damage? If not, DO IT NOW
  4. Do they still hold anger, a grudge, or a dark memory? There is little else you can do, so PASS ON 
  5. Now the toughy … Have you forgiven yourself? Have you shown grace to yourself – unconditional love?  Knowing your shocking past, have you set yourself free?  If not, PANIC. 
  6. Discuss it with yourself and do forgive yourself for the last time before the sunsets this evening. When done, PASS ON.

Grace is God’s gift to you.  Accept his gift and then share it with yourself.  You are free because of that unearned favour.  Remember that clause in the Lord’s Prayer - “forgive me my sins as I forgive others”?  That ‘others’ includes yourself.  God can sweep the slate clean (according to the Lord's Prayer) if I forgive others and myself for my blunders - if I put them in the dustbin, accept entirely that I am forgiven. 

Follow these steps and you will not nail Jesus to the cross again when you re-live your dodgy past.  We re-live guilt to satisfy our own needs – shame, pride, self-focus.  Re-living does not relieve.

Shalom (peace),


I would love to hear from you.  If you are inclined to share your thoughts or want something to read on this topic, please write via the Contact Us page. 

ABOVE: Sunday School circa 1953

A thought from friend, Clare:

I saw this quote: "God has created me to do some definite service. God has committed some work to me, which God has not committed to another. I have my mission.  I may never know it in this life but I shall be told it in the next. I am a link in a chain.  I shall do good, I shall do God's work, I shall be a preacher of truth in my own place.  While not intending it, if I but keep God's commandments and serve God, that my calling."

As Pope Francis said: "May you come to realize the message of Jesus that God wants to speak to the world by your life."

A thought from Cousin Jack:

God is good. How often Christians say it and hear it.

But do we really believe it? Can we honestly say God is good all the time?

When disaster strikes do Christians really believe in a good God?

Or closer to home, when our lives are in turmoil and we see a loved one suffering? Or dying? Or we experience the heartache of a failed relationship?  Is God still good?

That is the challenge.  How good do we really believe God is?

A thought from CS Lewis

I can excuse the inexcusable in others because Christ forgave me. 

A thought from Thomas Jefferson (via Gerry)

I fear for my country when I reflect that God is just.

Just a thought

What is hell?  Realising you got it wrong a nanosecond after you snuff it.

Just a thought 

If you wouldn't say it to someone else, don't say it to yourself.

A thought from Cousin Jack 

Always be sincere. Especially when you don't mean it.

A thought from Rabindranath Tagore

. Go not to the temple to put flowers upon the feet of God, First fill your own house with the fragrance of love and kindness.
· Go not to the temple to light candles before the altar of God, First remove the darkness of sin, pride and ego, from your heart...
· Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer, First learn to bow in humility before your fellowmen. And apologize to those you have wronged.
· Go not to the temple to pray on bent knees, First bend down to lift someone who is down-trodden. And strengthen the young ones. Not crush them. Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins, First forgive from your heart those who have hurt you.


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Ah! Christmas

Am I Worthy? 

Are Good People Better than Lesser People

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Forgive Yourself

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Healing Habits Healthily 

Letter to God


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Who Am I Serving?

Who Do You Serve?

You Christians are as Bad as Your Church

Why Pray?


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Did You Really Do That?

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How Do We Tolerate Tolerance?

Getting Myself in Perspective

Growing Grey

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How do I Sit with Social Justice?

Human Drivers

I Don't Take Sides

Letter from My Head

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Letter to Chantelle Winterbottom re A Generation Gap

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Letter to Chris Crabtree re Mucking About in Boats

Letter to Dr Carmen Mender, the vet

Letter to Dr Martin Luther King re racism

Letter to Ivor Burden re Your Gambling Needs

Letter to Marlene Perkins re aged care

Letter to Misses Mole and Parsons re Early Childhood

Letter to Tony Legge re It Takes  a Village 

Mature or Muddle-Headed

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Reply from Chester

Ritual (the Mother of Tedium) or Invention (the Father of Impulsiveness)? 

Shine a Light on Me 

Silence is Violence 

Social Media

The Getting of Wisdom

The Ongoing Battle

This Sunburnt Country


Trust People?  Yeah, Right! 

What?  Me Over-Anxious?  Never!

What Happened to Me, and Why Didn't I See it Coming? 

Who Am I

Who Has Impacted on You?
